Untold Stories!
Hey you! Do not tell me, you have shared everything to at least somebody in this world. There are always unheard, untold stories which never can be shared, told because of shy, because of fear, because we do not wanna hurt others! I met a girl who said "Even I have many untold stories buried deep inside ma heart! Nobody knows what they are! Nobody asks about them too!" Yeah, when people had time to listen to others.
If we look at old people sitting alone in deep thoughts, we can see a lot of stories moving around in their heart through their eyes. They may have nobody to tell their stories. perhaps, nobody has time to listen to them in their busy machinery world. I have a friend whose favorite songs will say there is something hidden inside her heart which she never wants to share with anybody. Her all time favorite is Butterfly fly away,the song by Miley and her Dad. She always shed a drop of tear when she hears that song. Nobody knows whats the reason behind that tear and the song.May be, her tears and she have a language to discuss and pacify themselves.
I saw a kid in the bus. He was playing with a girl nearby. The girl has done something. She has slipped something into somebody's bag or stole something. When the kid was about to grab his mom's hands, the girl showed action to shut up and threatened him. That's all, he could not tell anything except keeping it untold inside his heart. I noticed him watching the girl, even when his mother and he were trying to get down from the bus. He was not allowed to open his mouth for the story.
Of course, some stories are untold for saving themselves from trouble. For example, our politicians. They always tell many stories except the one needed. What they really did for the people and how many bank accounts they really have. LOL. Behind every news we see in the media, there is some untold story hiding, which says somebody is suffering and somebody is gaining without pain. Though we know, we are not ready to question it. Till we question it, they are not going to be threatened and thus the stories go untold.
Many a times, when talking to my many friends, not too close ones, I have noticed, at some point, when some controversy occurs, they will not be able to continue the conversation. They will just avoid the eye contact and they will just try to go away. Why they are not letting out their feeling?? God only knows! It may be because they are wrong or because they may hurt others.
I had a senior in my school. He was having some incurable disease. His family was kind of lower middle class. He did not reveal his problems to his family till it gets worse. Even after diagnosis, he was not ready to share it with his parents or family that it will hurt them. But, he could not stand in this world for many days. He could have told them and could have let his parents fight for saving him, which would have given them a quiet soul, that they have tried their best. Sometimes, untold stories may make us regret later.
Almost, ninety percent of the cases,the reason behind the untold stories will be Ego. My friend's mother had to undergo many hardships and she was forced to a state where she could think only about saving money for future but failed to live the lovely present. My friend always used to have a big fight with his mother. But he has never told her how he felt sorry for her, how he wanted her to be happy for the present, how he wanted to see her smiling, how he wanted to see her satisfied,contended.
To preserve the funny relationships with the relatives,of course there must be lot to be kept as secret untold,especially in India.Whenever people talk about assets, partitioning the assets [My grand mother is still alive man! Thank God, they did not ask us to partition her! :@ ], I always felt like slapping each of them and say, "Never mind! Its none of your business!". Hard time! When elder and older people are there, youngest should keep their mouth shut. Of course, I have lot of untold secrets,stories within me. Wait for them. Someday, I will let them all out.
What if disappoinment is the result wen we try to xplain our feelings.better to keep our story as untold forever... :-D
பதிலளிநீக்குAnd you may regret it someday ! ;)