As days pass by. . .

Shresta was some 5 years old, entering into her first standard in a local school. Her dad was a financier. Mom, homemaker. It was during dinner, the conversation begins. Mom starts. ' enga? Hows the business going?'. After a long pause, dad replied, ' pour some more sambhar'. Her mom dint speak anymore. Everybody went sleep. Though shre, being a kid, could not understand the feel of her mom, felt like something is missing.
Now,shre was in her 10th standard. The difference is her dad faced a great loss in his business. All his partners cheated him. He was workless sitting at home. Shre was preparing for next day's test in class. Mom gave the coffee prepared to dad and the conversation begins. Mom started, ' what to do next? Our girl is now at 10th. For higher standard, we have to change her school. We should need more money as its gonna be a biiiiigg schoo. . . '. She was not even finishing her dialog. Dad went out, taking his two wheeler.
Shre somehow managed to score good marks in 10th and a school offered her education free of cost. She was lucky. She aimed good high marks in twelfth too. Because now she was too big to understand the situation of the family and the feel of her mom. She scored enough marks to enter into a good college. Now, mom with shre's twelfth marksheet in her hand, started the conversation again. 'Something has to be done. Why can't we start a stationery store?',this was her mom. What a surprise! There came a response from dad. ' Ok! Let's give a try'. Shre was in her first year. But the shop they started was not running that good. So they had to stop working wit that. Her dad was not able to work out anything successfully than watching tv, sitting idle, spending time with his friends who were well settled. Shre's mom could not bear this anymore. Her whole concern was On the education of shre. Mom started a small scale business. She worked day and night to beat other competitors and earn good enough. Dad never cared about it. Shre got a job and relieved her mom from all worries. Still the conversation in her home remains the same. The conversation begins. Shre started the talk. 'Dad, how do you feel supporting mom in her business? Now its just supervising the workers'. Dad's response was not what she expected. She found tear drops rolling in his cheeks. Shre sayin, ' dat's Ok dad! Mom and I understand you!',saw her mom, who entered into the kitchen. She came out with a cup of coffee. Giving it to shre's dad, she started with her household chores not caring anything anymore.